
This class will require you to write a report for each lab. Your report will require you to write briefly on your implementation process and answer questions. When writing your report consider the following:

  • Describe your problem clearly but very briefly. Describe the experiment you are doing. Explain all parameters and values and list enough information so that a reader can:
    • reproduce your results without having to ask you questions,
    • understand what you are doing, and understand the results/conclusions.
  • If necessary include graphs, but only the minimum number required. You can also use tables, but know that it can be hard to look at a lot of data in tabular form. While some programs yield a lot of result data, it does not mean you should report all the data. Instead understand, process, and summarize the data so that you can present it well along with the conclusions it helps you make.
  • Write the kind of brief and informative report you would like to read if you were interested in this problem. You should be able to understand it and use it without a huge investment of time.
  • Always make sure to put your name on your report. This will ensure you are the one who receives credit for the assignment.

When choosing whether or not to include something in your report ask yourself: is this is important to the reader? If the answer is 'yes' make sure that you not only explain the idea fully, but support the idea with a detailed explanation of why it is important.

  • cs50300/fall16/labtips.txt
  • Last modified: 2016/07/28 10:58
  • by lembkej